Burgos, Eliana; Gómez Villafañe, Isabel E.; Santini, Soledad; Quintana, Gabriela; Salomon, O. D.; Cavia, Regino. 2022. Multiscale environmental determinants of rats’ infestation on households in a subtropical urban to rural gradient in Latin America. Ecología Austral. En prensa.
Carrizo, S. R., Rospide, M., Gómez Villafañe, I.E. 2022 (en prensa). Métodos alternativos a las caravanas para identificación de roedores en estudios de campo. Notas de Mamíferos Sudamericanos.
González‐Ittig, R. E., Pinotti, J. D., Carballo, J., Martín, M. L., Levis, S., Calderón, Gómez Villafañe, I. E., Zalazar Bravo, J. Pardiñas, U. F. 2022. Molecular systematics and biogeographic insights of the Calomys callosus complex (Rodentia, Cricetidae). Zoologica Scripta, 51(5), 498-521.
Vadell, M.V.; González Fischer, C.; Codesido, M.; Carbajo, A.; Bilenca, D.; Gómez Villafañe, I.E. 2022. Modelling relative abundance of Oligoryzomys flavescens, an Orthohantavirus reservoir, in an endemic hantavirus pulmonary syndrome zone. Zoonoses and Public Health. DOI: 10.1111/zph.12996
Burgos, E.; Labraroni, Carolina; Lanzone, Cecilia; Urdapilleta, Mara; Gómez Villafañe, Isabel. 2022. Nuevos registros de Calomys tener (Rodentia, Cricetidae, Sigmodontinae) que amplían la distribución y diversidad genética conocida para Misiones, Argentina. Mastozoología Neotropical. Doi: saremMN.
Agustín M. Abba, Diego Varela, Sebastián Cirignoli, Javier A. Pereira, María Luisa Bolkovic, Silvana Peker, Gustavo M. Porini, Soledad de Bustos, Mariana Degrati, Pablo Denuncio, M. Mónica Díaz, Isabel E. Gómez Villafañe, M. Florencia Grandi, Martín M. Kowalewski, Rocío Loizaga de Castro, Gabriel M. Martin, Matías S. Mora, Javier Negrete, Mariela Nieves, Agustina A. Ojeda, Rocío Palacios, Agustín J. Paviolo, Mariano S. Sánchez, Mariella Superina, Pablo Teta, M. Laura Guichón, Alejandro E.J. Valenzuela, Marcelo F. Tognelli, Ricardo A. Ojeda. 2022. Categorización de los mamíferos de Argentina 2019: resumen y análisis de las amenazas. Mastozoología Neotropical.: 2022. Doi: saremMN.
Maroli, Malena; Burgos, Eliana; Piña, Carlos; Gómez Villafañe, Isabel. 2022, Population survey of small rodents on islands located inside region of endemism for hantavirus pulmonary syndrome. Journal Of Mammalogy, 103: 209-220.
Gómez Villafañe, I.E.; Burgos, E.F.; Coelho, R.M., Bellomo, C.M., Garcilazo Amatti, J., Martinez, V. P. 2022. Expanded distribution of orthohantavirus Pergamino genotype: first record in Entre Rios province, Argentina. Revista Argentina de Microbiologia, 54: 35-38.
Burgos, E.F., Vadell, M.V., Bellomo, C.M., Martinez, V.P., Salomón, O.D., Gómez Villafañe, I.E. 2021. First Evidence of Akodon-Borne Orthohantavirus in Northeastern Argentina. EcoHealth. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10393-021-01564-6. Link al artículo completo: https://rdcu.be/cACAE
Maroli M, E. F. Burgos, C. I. Piña, I. E. Gómez Villafañe. En prensa. Population survey of small rodents on islands located inside region of endemism for Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome. Journal of Mammalogy.
Mariana Manteca-Acosta, Regino Cavia, María Eugenia Utgés, Oscar Daniel Salomón, María Soledad Santini, 2021. Peridomestic natural breeding sites of Nyssomyia whitmani (Antunes and Coutinho) in an endemic area of tegumentary leishmaniasis in northeastern Argentina. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 15(8): e0009676. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0009676
Adduci LB, León VA, Schlötelburg A, Busch M, Fraschina J, 2021. Avoidance behaviour in laboratory house mice (Mus musculus) and Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) towards predator odours. Plos One, 16(1), e0245441. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0245441
Gómez Villafañe IE, Burgos EF, Coelho RM, Bellomo CV, Garcilazo Amatti J, Martinez VP. 2021. Expanded distribution of orthohantavirus Pergamino genotype: First record in Entre Rios province, Argentina. Revista Argentina de Microbiología. https://authors.elsevier.com/
Maroli M, Gomez Villafane IE. 2021. Urban rodents of the city of Diamante, Entre Ríos, Argentina. Mastozoología Neotropical 28 (1). Doi.org/10.31687/saremMN.
Gorosito I, Benitez A, Busch M, 2020. Home range variability, spatial aggregation, and excursions of Akodon azarae and Oligoryzomys flavescens in Pampean agroecosystems. Integrative zoology, 15(5), 401-415. DOI: 10.1111/1749-4877.12437
Fernández MS, Manteca-Acosta M, Cueto GR, Cavia R, Salomón OD, 2020. Variation of the Phlebotominae (Diptera: Psychodidae: Phlebotominae) Assemblage in Response to Land Use Changes in an Endemic Area of Leishmania Transmission in Northeast Argentina. Journal of Medical Entomology, 57(6), 1735-1747. DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjaa090
Quintana MG, Santini MS, Cavia R, Martínez MF, Liotta DJ, Fernández MS, Pérez AA, Direni Manzini JM, Lorian Moya S, Giuliani MG, Salomón OD, 2020. Multiscale environmental determinants of Leishmania vectors in the urban-rural context. Parasites & vectors, 13(1), 1-15.
Montes de Oca DP, Lammel MN, Cavia R, 2020. Small-mammal assemblages in piggeries in a developing country: relationships with management practices and habitat complexity. Wildlife Research, 47(6), 485-498. DOI: 10.1071/WR19199
Vadell MV, Gómez Villafañe IE, Carbajo AE. 2020. Hantavirus infection and biodiversity in the Americas. Oecologia: 192:169–177. DOI: 10.1007/s00442-019-04564-0. Link: https://rdcu.be/b0BTj
Maroli M, Crosignani B, Piña C, Coelho R, Martinez PV, Gómez Villafañe IE. 2020. New data about home range and movements of Oligoryzomys flavescens (Rodentia: Cricetidae) help to understand the spread and transmission of Andes virus that causes Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome. Zoonoses and Public Health. 67(3), 308-317. DOI: 10.1111/zph.12690
Alonso R, Ruiz M, Lovera R, Montes De Oca DP, Cavia R, Sánchez JP. 2020. Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) ectoparasites in livestock production systems from central Argentina: influencing factors on parasitism. Acta Tropica, 203:105299 DOI: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2019.105299
Rubel D, Nemirovsky SI, Gorosito I, Servián A, Garbossa G, 2019. Factors affecting canine fecal and parasitic contamination of public green spaces of Buenos Aires city, Argentina, and visitors’ perception of such contamination. Journal of Urban Ecology, 5(1), juz012. DOI: 10.1093/jue/juz012
Gómez Villafañe IE, Guzmán N, Ortiz N, González-Ittig RE, León VA, Busch M. 2019. Connnectivity among Norway Rat population (Rattus norvegicus) of poultry farms of Exaltación de la Cruz, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Mastozoología Neotropical, 26(2):359-367. DOI: 10.31687/saremMN.
Lovera R, Fernández MS, Cavia R, 2019. Small rodent species on pig and dairy farms: habitat selection and distribution. Pest Management Science (2019) DOI: 10.1002/ps.5299.
Cavia R, Guidobono JS, Fraschina J, Busch M, 2019. Effects of physical barriers and eradication on recolonization of rodents in poultry farms. International Journal of Pest Management. DOI: 10.1080/09670874.2018.1530485
Vadell MV, Carbajo A, Massa, C, Cueto, G, Gómez Villafañe IE. 2019. Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome risk in Entre Ríos, Argentina. Ecohealth. DOI: 10.1007/s10393-019-01425-3.
Calfayan L, Bonnot G, Gómez Villafañe IE. 2019. Case reports of common vampire bats Desmodus rotundus (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae: Desmodontinae) attacking wild exotic mammals in Argentina. DOI: 10.31687/saremNMS.19.0.05.
Adduci, L.B., León, V. A., Busch, M., Fraschina, J. 2019. Effects of different odours on the reproductive success of Mus musculus as an alternative method of control. Pest Managment Science, 75(7), 1887-1893.
Muschetto E, Cueto GR, Cavia R, Padula PJ, Suárez OV, 2018. Long-Term Study of a Hantavirus Reservoir Population in an Urban Protected Area, Argentina. EcoHealth DOI: 10.1007/s10393-018-1360-3.
Guidobono JS, Cueto GR, Teta P and Busch M., 2018. Effect of environmental factors on the abundance variations of two native rodents in agricultural systems of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Austral Ecology (en prensa).
Santini MS, Fernández MS, Cavia R, Salomón OD, 2018. Co‐occurrence and seasonal and environmental distributions of the sandflies Lutzomyia longipalpis and Nyssomyia whitmani in the city of Puerto Iguazú, northeastern Argentina. Medical and veterinary entomology, 32(2), 197-205. DOI: 10.1111/mve.12283
Fernández MS, Fraschina J, Acardi S, Liotta DJ, Lestani E, Giuliani M, … & Salomón OD, 2018. Assessment of the role of small mammals in the transmission cycle of tegumentary leishmaniasis and first report of natural infection with Leishmania braziliensis in two sigmodontines in northeastern Argentina. Parasitology research, 117(2), 405-412. DOI: 10.1007/s00436-017-5714-5
Gorosito IL, Marziali Bermúdez M, Busch M, 2018. Advantages of combining generalized linear models and occupancy models to find indicators of habitat selection: Small mammals in agroecosystems as a case study. Ecological Indicators, 85, 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2017.10.003
Policelli N; Picca P; Gómez Villafañe IE, 2018. Is prescribed fire a suitable management tool to reduce shrub encroachment in palm savannas? Restoration Ecology. doi:10.1111/rec.12824. https://doi.org/10.1111/rec.12824
Maroli M, Vadell MV, Gómez Villafañe IE, 2018. Rodent Abundance and Hantavirus Infection in Protected Area, East-Central Argentina. Emerging infectious diseases. https://dx.doi.org/10.3201/eid2401.171372.
Gorosito IL & Douglass RJ. 2017. A damped precipitation‐driven, bottom‐up model for deer mouse population abundance in the northwestern United States. Ecology and Evolution, 7 (24), 11113-11123. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.3598
González Fischer CM, Cavia R, Picasso P, Bilenca DN, 2017. Regional and local determinants of rodent assemblages in agroecosystems of the Argentine Pampas. Journal of Mammalogy, 98(6), 1760-1767. https://doi.org/10.1093/jmammal/gyx121
Aristegui E, Miño MH, Mansilla PR, Guidobono JS and Cueto GR, 2017. Consumption Pattern of Bromadiolone in Presence of Alternative Food by House Mice (Mus musculus) Infesting Poultry Farms. Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science, 19: 95-102. https://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1806-9061-2016-0291
Lovera Rosario, M. Soledad Fernández, Jens Jacob, Nidia Lucero, Gabriel Morici, Bibiana Brihuega, M. Isabel Farace, Jorge Caracostantogolo, Regino Cavia 2017. Intrinsic and extrinsic factors related to pathogen infection in wild small mammals in intensive milk cattle and swine production Systems. PLOS Neglected 11(6): e0005722. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pntd.0005722
Montes de Oca Daniela Paula, Lovera Rosario, Cavia Regino, 2017. Where do Norway rats live? Movement patterns and habitat selection in livestock farms from Argentina. Wildlife Research, 44(4), 324-333. https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/WR16219
Fraschina, J., León, V. A., & Busch, M., 2017. The effect of neighbourhood on rodent communities: an example from Pampean agroecosystems. Landscape research, 42(5), 533-542. https://doi.org/10.1080/01426397.2017.1291924
Vadell, M.V., García Erize, F, Gómez Villafañe, I.E. 2017. Evaluation of habitat requirements of small rodents and effectiveness of an ecologically-based management in a hantavirus-endemic natural protected area in Argentina. Integrative Zoology 12, 77-94. https://doi.org/10.1111/1749-4877.12207
Gorosito, I.L., Marziali Bermudez, M., Douglass, R., Busch, M. 2016. Evaluation of statistical methods and sampling designs for the assessment of microhabitat selection based on point data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 7(11), 1316-1324. https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.12605
Guidobono, J.S., Muñoz J., Muschetto E., Teta P., Busch M. 2016. Food habits of Leopardus geoffroyi in agroecosystem habitats of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Ecología Austral 26(1): 40-50. versión On-line ISSN 1667-782X
Vadell, M.V., Gómez Villafañe, I.E. 2016. Environmental variables associated with hantavirus reservoirs and other small rodent species in two national parks in the Paraná delta, Argentina. Implications for disease prevention. Ecohealth 13: 248-260. doi: 10.1111/1749-4877.12207
García Erize, F., Gómez Villafañe, I.E. 2016. Which habitats are selected by the endangered species Greater rhea (Rhea americana)? Recommendations for it conservation. Emu. https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/MU15124.
Maroli, M.; Vadell, M.V.; Iglesias, A.; Padula, P.; Gómez Villafañe, I.E. 2015. Daily movements and microhabitat selection of hantavirus reservoirs and other sigmodontine rodent species that inhabit a protected natural area of Argentina. Ecohealth, 12: 421-431. DOI: 10.1007/s10393-015-1038-z.
Cavia, R.; Muschetto, E.; Cueto, G.R.; Suarez, O.V. 2015. Commensal Rodents in the City of Buenos Aires: A Temporal, Spatial, and Environmental Analysis at the Whole City Level. Ecohealth, 12(3), 468-479. DOI: 10.1007/s10393-015-1013-8.
Lovera, R.; Fernández, M.S.; Cavia, R. 2015. Wild small mammals in intensive milk cattle and swine production systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 202: 251–259. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2015.01.003
Muschetto, E.; Mazia, N.; Cueto, R.G.; Busch, M. 2015. Are rodents a source of biotic resistance to tree invasion in Pampean grasslands? Tree seed consumption under different conditions. Austral Ecology, 40(3), 255–266. https://doi.org/10.1111/aec.12208
Burroni N, Loetti V, Busch M. 2014. Reproductive success in Mus musculus exposed to conspecifics odors in overcrowding conditions. Mastozoología Neotropical 21: 115-120.
Castaño Zubieta R, Ruiz M, Morici G, Lovera R, Fernández M, Caracostantogolo, Cavia R. 2014. First report of Trichinella spiralis from the white-eared (Didelphis albiventris)
and the thik-tailed opossum (Lutreolina crassicaudata) in central Argentina. Helminthologia, 51, 3: 198–202. On line: https://doi.org/10.2478/s11687-014-0229-4
Fraschina J, León V, Busch M. 2014. Role of Landscape Scale in the Distribution of Rodents in an Agroecosystem of Argentina. Journal of Agricultural Science, 6(12): 22. On line: https://dx.doi.org/10.5539/jas.v6n12p22
Vadell MV, Gómez Villafañe IE, Cavia R. 2014. Are life history strategies of Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) and House mice (Mus musculus) dependent on environmental characteristics?. Wildile Research, 41(2), 172-184. On line: https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/WR14005
Fernández MS, Santini MS, Cavia R, Sandoval AE, Pérez AA, Acardi S, Salomón OD. 2013. Spatial and temporal changes in Lutzomyia longipalpis abundance, a Leishmania infantum (syn chagasi) vector, in an urban area in northeastern Argentina. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 108(7), 817-824. https://dx.doi.org/10.1590/0074-0276130047
Gómez Villafañe IE, Cavia R, Vadell V, Suarez O; Busch M. 2013. Differences in population parameters of Rattus norvegicus in urban and rural habitats of central Argentina. Mammalia, 77: 187-193. https://doi.org/10.1515/mammalia-2012-0075
León V, Fraschina J, Guidobono JS,Busch M. 2013. Habitat use and demography of Mus musculus (House mouse) in a rural landscape of the Buenos Aires province, Argentina. Integrative Zoology 8: 18-29. Doi: 10.1111/j.1749-4877.2012.00290.x
Martínez ML, Domínguez MG, Morici GE, Cavia R, Montes de Oca DP, Lovera R, Schapiro JH, Caracostantogolo JL. Identificación morfológica y molecular de Cysticercus fasciolaris aislado de un roedor (Rattus norvegicus) de la provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina)” – Comunicación breve – Revista Argentina de Microbiología. 45(3), 150-153.
Miño, MH, EJ Rojas Herrera, J Notarnicola. 2013. The wild rodent Akodon azarae (Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae) as intermediate host of Taenia taeniaeformis (Cestoda: Cyclophylllidea) on poultry farms of Central Argentina. Mastozoología Neotropical, 20(2):407-412.
Busch M, Knight C, Mazía CN, Hodara K, Muschetto E, Chaneton, E. 2012. Rodent seed predation on tree invader species in grassland habitats of the inland Pampa. Ecological Research, 27(2): 369-376.
Corriale MJ, Muschetto E, Herrera, E. Influence of group sizes and food resources on seasonal variation in home range sizes of capybaras (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) from Esteros del Iberá, Argentina. Journal of Mammalogy, 94(1), 19-28.
Fernandez MS, Lestani EA, Cavia R, Salomón OD. 2012. Phlebotominae fauna in a recent deforested area with American Tegumentary Lischmaniasis transmission (Puerto Iguazú, Misiones, Argentina): seasonal distribution in domestic and peridomestic environments. Acta Tropica, 122: 16-23. ISSN 0001-706X.
Fraschina J, León V, Busch M. 2012. Long term variations in rodent abundance in a rural landscape of the Pampa, Argentina. Ecological Research, 27: 191-202.
Gómez Villafañe IE, Expósito Y, San Martín A, Picca P, Busch M. 2012. Habitat use by sylvan rodent in a protected area, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad, 38 (3): 762-771. México. ISSN: 1870-3453. Idioma: inglés. https://www.revistas.unam.mx/index.php/bio/article/view/25126
Miño MH, Rojas Herrera EJ, Notarnicola J, Robles M. del R, Navone, G. T. 2012. Diversity of the helminth community of the Pampean grassland mouse (Akodon azarae) on poultry farms in central Argentina. Journal of Helminthology, 86: 46-53.
Carballido MF, Arístide P, Busch M, Cittadino EA, Gómez Villafañe IE. 2011. Closed landfills as habitat for small rodents. a case study in a riparian site in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Urban Ecosystems. DOI: 10.1007/s11252-011-0167-6.
Muschetto E, Cueto G, Suárez O. 2011. New data on the natural history and morphometrics of Lutreolina crassicaudata (Didelphimorphia) from Central-eastern Argentina. Mastozoología Neotropical, 18(1):73-79. ISSN 0327-9383.
Rojas Herrera EJ, Miño MH, Notarnicola J, Robles MR. 2011. A New Species of Syphacia (Nematoda: Oxyuridae) From Calomys laucha (Rodentia: Cricetidae) in an Agroecosystem of Central Argentina. Journal of Parasitology, 97(4):676-681.
Vadell MV, Bellomo C, San Martín A, Padula P, Gómez Villafañe I. 2011. Hantavirus ecology in rodent populations of three protected areas of Argentina. Tropical Medicine and International Health. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3156.2011.02838.x. ISSN:1360-2276.
Fernández MS, Salomón OD, Cavia R, Pérez AA, Guccione JD. 2010. Lutzomyia longipalpis spatial distribution and association with environmental variables in an urban focus of visceral leishmaniasis, Misiones, Argentina. Acta Tropica: 114:81-87. ISSN 0001-706X.
Guidobono JS, León V, Gómez Villafañe IE, Busch M. 2010. Bromadiolone susceptibilit in wild and laboratory Mus musculus L (House mice) in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Pest Management Science, 66: 162-167.
León V, Fraschina J, Busch M. 2010. Population subdivision and movements in Mus musculus in an agrarian landscape. Conequences to its control. Canadian Journal of Zoology.88:427-435
Paula JP, Martínez VP, Cueto GR, Cavia R, Suárez OV. 2010. Partial Genetic Characterization of Seoul Hantavirus in rats of Buenos Aires city and Generation of a Seoul Recombinant Nucleoprotein Antigen. Pan-Amazonian Journal of Health. ISSN 2176-6215.
Sánchez L.C., Busch M., Madanes N. 2010. Terrestrial habitat use by the burrowing toad, Rhinella fernandezae (Anura, Bufonidae). Folia Zoologica. 59:122-128
Vadell MV, Cavia R, Suárez OV. 2010. Abundance, age structure and reproductive patterns of Rattus norvegicus and Mus musculus in two areas of the city of Buenos Aires. International Journal of Pest Management: 56: 327–336. ISSN: 0967-0874.
Cavia R, Cueto GR, Suárez OV. 2009. Changes in rodent communities according to the landscape structure in an urban ecosystem. Landscape and Urban Planning, 90:11-19. ISSN. 0169-2046.
Fraschina J, Knight C, Busch M. 2009. Foraging efficiency of Akodon azarae under different plant cover and resource levels. Journal of Ethology: Volume 27, Issue 3, Page 447.
Gómez Villafañe IE, Miñarro FO, Valenzuela L, Bilenca DN. 2009. Experimental assessment of rodent control on two poultry farms of central Argentina. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 18: 622-629.
Hodara K, Busch M. 2009. Patterns of macro and microhabitat use of two rodent species in relation to agricultural practices. Ecological Research, 25(1):113-121. DOI 10.1007/s11284-009-0638-x
León VA, Fraschina J, Busch M. 2009. Assessment of the effect of rodent control at different spatial scales on poultry farms in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, 63(8), 1113-1118. DOI: 10.1016/j.ibiod.2009.08.004
Perez Carusi LC, Farace MI, Ribicich MM, Gómez Villafañe IE. 2009. Reproduction and parasitology of white-eared opossum (Didelphis albiventris) in a southern site of its distribution (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Mammalia, 73 (2): 364-371. ISSN 0025-1461.
Rost S, Pelz HJ, Menzel S, MacNicoll AD, León V, Song K-J, Jäkel T, Oldenburg J, Müller CR. 2009. Novel mutations in the VKORC1 gene of wild rats and mice. A response to 50 years of selection pressure by warfarin? BMC Genetics, 10: 4.
Teta P, Pereira JA, Muschetto E, Fracassi N. 2009. Mammalia, Didelphimorphia, Chiroptera and Rodentia, Parque Nacional Chaco and Capitán Solari, Chaco Province. Mammalia, 5: 144-150.